Hardware Requirements
- 4 or more physical CPU cores
- At least 16GB RAM
- At least 500GB of SSD storage
Running Settlus Node
You can run Settlus node and join a public testnet or public mainnet of Settlus through below steps.
Setting up
- Prepare the server that meets requirements.
- Copy the latest binary to the server, or build the binary from the source.
- Initialize Settlus configuration with
settlusd init
command, with relevant options.
# initialize at /.settlus
/settlusd init $MONIKER \\
--chain-id $CHAIN_ID \\
--home /.settlus \\
--persistent-peers $PERSISTENT_PEERS
- human-readable name for your node, only accepts ASCII characters.
- Peer list to maintain persistent connections with. Find out the latest available seed list here.
If you need to sync the data, check sync section for more options.
- Copy relevant genesis file to initialized home, and set up additional configurations.